24: How can I link graphics drivers directly into my executable?A: This is a complicated, yet a very useful task, because then you won't need any separate graphics drivers (or fonts) to go separately along with your program. Unfortunately, Turbo Pascal documentation on this task is a bit confusing. 1) The very first step is to get the necessary files from the Turbo Pascal disks to your working directory. To start with, you'll need binobj.exe and all the .bgi files. 2) Run the following commands (best to place them in a batch, call it e.g. makeobj.bat): binobj cga.bgi cga CGADriverProc binobj egavga.bgi egavga EGAVGADriverProc binobj herc.bgi herc HercDriverProc binobj pc3270.bgi pc3270 PC3270DriverProc binobj att.bgi att ATTDriverProc rem binobj ibm8514.bgi 8514 IBM8514DriverProc 3) Get drivers.pas from the Turbo Pascal disk and compile it with Turbo Pascal. Now you have a drivers.tpu unit which contains all the graphics drivers. 4) Now you won't need the .bgi and the .obj files any more. You may delete them from your working directory. 5) Write your graphics program in the usual manner. But before putting your program in the graphics mode use the following procedure if you want to link e.g. the EGAVGA graphics driver directly into your executable. (Link just the driver(s) you'll need, since the drivers take up a lot of space.) uses Graph, Drivers; : procedure EGAVGA2EXE; begin if RegisterBGIdriver(@EGAVGADriverProc) < 0 then begin writeln ('EGA/VGA: ', GraphErrorMsg(GraphResult)); halt(1); end; end; (* egavga2exe *) : Linking the .bgi and .chr drivers is also covered in Swan (1989), Mastering Turbo Pascal 5.5 pp. 355-359 and Mitchell (1993), Borland Pascal Developer's Guide , pp. 221-229. Incidentally, although this is a slightly different matter, you can link any data material into your executable. See Stephen O'Brien, (1988), Turbo Pascal, Advanced Programmer's Guide, pp. 31 - 35 for more details. |
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