71: How do I get started with graphics programming?A: (* This simple test shows the rudiments of getting started with Turbo Pascal graphics programming *) uses Crt, Graph; var grDriver : integer; grMode : integer; ErrCode : integer; i, j : integer; xm, ym : integer; const CharSize : integer = 3; begin { Request graphics driver autodetection } grDriver := Detect; { Initialize graphics system and put hardware into graphics mode } { The relevant .bgi driver is needed in the current directory for example egavga.bgi } InitGraph (grDriver, grMode, ' '); { Return an error code for the previous graphic operation } ErrCode := GraphResult; { Test for initialialization success } if ErrCode <> grOk then begin Writeln ('Graphics error:', GraphErrorMsg(ErrCode)); halt; end; { Clear the output device and home the current pointer } ClearDevice; {} { Use your own coordinates } xm := Round (GetMaxX / 100.0); ym := Round (GetMaxY / 100.0); {} { Set the current line width and style, optional } SetLineStyle (SolidLn, 0, ThickWidth); { Set the drawing color } SetColor (Yellow); { Draw a line } Line (70*xm, 50*ym, 90*xm, 80*ym); {} { Drawing bars } { Set the fill pattern and color } SetFillStyle (SolidFill, Red); Bar (0, 0, 25*xm, 25*ym); {} SetColor (Magenta); SetFillStyle (SolidFill, Blue); Bar3D (30*xm, 20*ym, 50*xm, 60*ym, 8*xm, TopOn); {} { Writing text in the graphics mode } { Set the drawing color } SetColor (LightCyan); { Set the current background color } SetBkColor (Black); { Set style for text output in graphics mode } SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, CharSize); OutTextXY (0, 80*ym, 'Press any key'); {} repeat until KeyPressed; {} { Restore the original screen mode before graphics was initialized } RestoreCrtMode; writeln ('That''s all folks'); { Shut down the graphics system } CloseGraph; end. For an example what you can do with graphics, see 111673 Oct 8 1993 ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/ts/tsdemo16.zip tsdemo16.zip Assorted graphics demonstrations of functions etc (or whatever is the current version). |
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